Groom Solutions Citrus Burst Booster & Spotter -
Citrus Burst Booster and Spotter is a multi-purpose cleaning solution boosting agent as well as an extremely effective solvent spotter for use on carpet and upholstery, as well as other textiles and fabrics. Add Citrus Burst to your pre-spray, traffic lane cleaner, carpet extraction detergent, or tile or hard surface cleaning solution to boost cleaning power on tough jobs like oily and greasy soil, motor oil, asphalt track-in, food soil, and many other difficult and grimy soils. Citrus Burst also works great as a cleaning booster and additive for upholstery cleaning solution, and for adding to your favorite degreaser and soot remover in fire restoration work. Citrus Burst is VOC compliant and is safe for warranted stain resistant carpet. As a spotting agent, it works effectively at dissolving and breaking down even the most stubborn grease and oil based spots as well as encrusted chewing gum, wax, tar, paint, oil, grease, cosmetics, cooking oil, ink, dyes, carbon, soot, copier toner, graphite, adhesives and glues, and general oil based spotting. You can also achieve incredible cleaning results by adding Citrus Burst Spotter and Booster as a cleaning booster in traffic lane cleaners.
RTU pH: 7.0 - 7.5
Always Test Surface for Colorfastness Before Application.
For use as a cleaning additive:
• Traffic lane booster: add 1 to 2 oz. of solution to each gallon of ready to use mixed traffic lane or prespray solution.
• Upholstery: use 2 oz. per gallon in an upholstery prespray
• Tile Cleaning: add 2 ounces of solution to each
ready to use mixed gallon of your tile cleaning prespray.
• In Hydro-Force Sprayer: add 8 oz. per 5 quarts of concentrate.
• Caution: May damage pumps in extraction equipment.
For use as a spotter:
• For dry spill, dry vacuum as much as possible.
Remove any excess of spot by using a bone spatula. If liquid spill, blot up spill with absorbent towel.
• Apply Citrus Burst to an absorbent towel. Work the solution from the outside of the spot or spill toward the inside by agitating the solution into the fabric with a spotting spatula or blotting the area and working in with tamping brush.
• Avoid over use or direct use on latex adhesives, high density foam, and rubber backed carpets.
• For best results extract area with carpet cleaning machine after using citrus burst
Compare to:• Jon-Don Matrix® Citrus Force• Prochem® Citrus Pro• Magic Wand Citrapure